To appreciate our present church life and to be hopeful for the future, we must consider the people and the events that have brought us to this place.
Our congregation came into being in 1812, when Chillicothe Presbytery approved a petition by residents of Fayette County to establish a church. This action came just 2 years after Fayette County and the town of Washington were organized. Our congregation is the oldest continuing church in Fayette County and we have been made part of the Presbyterian Historical Society as an registered historical site.

Sunday Services
Adult Sunday School: 9:00am
Worship Service:
Rev. Steven Brand
Rajean Robinette
Administrative Assistant
(Tues. - Friday)
Dick Glass, Director of Music
214 North Hinde St
Washington Court House , Ohio

A Community of Faith
"But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. So I was rescued from the lion's mouth."
2 Timothy 4-17